
Raffler App is a way to sell your sneakers, watches, handbags or whatever exclusive items you might have quickly, securely and safely via a raffle app. This concept has come about because I think it would be a better alternative to the Raffle Groups that exist now on Facebook. I've reached out to members in the community to see if I can improve on something we all use and love.



In the last 5-7 years it has become very popular to sell your expensive sneakers on facebook groups via raffling them off. Despite it's popularity, it does pose many problems such as: Scams, Privacy Issues and Lack of Automation for simple tasks.

E.g. Sneaker Royale - 25k members


User Research

We reached out to many people in the Facebook community who already take part in Sneaker Raffling. We asked them about their experience and pain points. We used the notes from this research to get a better understanding of who we are designing for below.

User Insights from synthesising the research notes


Target Audience & Personas


Lo-fidelity Designs

We had several iterations of designs. Getting usability feedback from members on the Facebook group was instrumental in helping us make some of the design decisions.


Hi-fidelity Designs

The process of this phase was to make buying a raffle ticket as seamless as possible. A huge contrast to what many users had experienced previously on Facebook groups.

Browse items


Select and Buy raffle tickets





See the video below of the figma prototype in action.


Clean and simple styling to allow the products on the app to standout
